ARAER Tent Canvas Hammock Rain Fly 1kg | 3000 PU Waterproof Sunshade
-Essential Outdoor Gear: Adopt 210T fabric, delicate sewing and triangle reinforced corners, durable, tears and punctures resistant. Featured with excellent 3000mm PU waterproof and windproof.
-Large but Lightweight: Large size of 10X10FT but only weighs 2.2 lbs. Includes 8 guy lines and 4 premium alloy stakes. Keep in your backpack, car, truck, boat and motorcycle.
-Easy Setup and Versatile: Install the tarp in minutes. 9 Fixing holes are convenient for adjusting its shape according to various outdoor condition. No longer worried about getting wet on your overnight camp. Keep the midday sun off at the beach.
-Perfect Combination: with camping Cot B0793NR38X ,
Suitable for travelling, camping, hiking, backpacking, fishing, kayaking, climbing, trekking, festivals and having a picnic.
Package Includes:
1 x Camping Tent Tarp
8 x Adjustable Nylon Ropes
4 x Aluminum Tent Stakes
1 x Carrying Pouch
1 x Storage Bag
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